Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Watchmen" trailer finally released - comic book collective breathes a giant sigh of release (as a result, global temperature rises seventy degrees)

I came, repeatedly. Everything just looks so pitch perfect here - every scene is recognizable to those who've read the book. I don't even have a problem with the changes in costumes, as the reason given is actually pretty clever, and there's real meaning behind it. It's not just "Batman would totally need armor, because that's how Batman works - he comes at his enemies like a SWAT team."

Now, my computer is ass. It really is. It's ass-to-mouth-to-ass again. So, I can't embed the video from Youtube, but honestly, it's better that way. This one needs to be seen in high def - so, head over to Apple Trailers, and watch it, 'foo.

Then, when you've changed your pants, watch it again. Repeat.

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